Wednesday, June 13, 2007

On The Subject of Music

I recently rediscovered the awesomeness that is "the only station that matters, 90.5 WBER" and have been listening to it at work. The station is a school- and community-supported effort that has been broadcasting to the elitist music snobs of the Greater Rochester Area since 1985. It's completely independent of all the ClearChannel/CBS craptastic stations you find dominating the radio. They play one of the most eclectic mixes of songs I've ever come across. You'll start off listening to soft indie pining, then get slammed with some screamo only to be followed up by some electronica/techno. The song sequence is almost as entertaining as the songs themselves. Their webpage is rather uninformative but you can access the streaming broadcast through it. I also permanently have the playlist for WBER open. Only problem is that they play some really off-the-wall stuff and the playlist can only recognize 2/3rds of the stuff, at most.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Chris Kiehne, my recently wedded friend Koops' cousin, who has a few CDs and random tracks of his own. Check out his myspace page to get a sampling of his style.


I rode my velocipede today and it was awful. I did some really fun and hard intervals yesterday with Todd and really felt it today. Plus I've lacked a bit of sleep recently . . . and by posting this, I'm depriving myself of even more much-needed rest. Oh well.

Yesterday after Todd went home, I very nearly got crashed by an inconsiderate and completely oblivious asshole on the road going across the canal at first bridge (is that Van Cleef?). The asshole wasn't behind the wheel of a car, wasn't jogging along the side of the road, nay, the asshole wasn't even human! Some bird decided to swoop down out of the trees right in front of me and as I flailed about trying to ward it off, I almost ate it. Stupid birds.

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