Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday is CalendarSpeak for "I Just Made You My Bitch"

Sweet. I got some linkage from Mr. AngryVeganBlogger himself, Mark. Now I feel compelled to post today.

When I woke up this morning, my very first thought was, "Great, it's Friday!" That thought was immediately succeeded by a, "Damn, it's only Thursday." I laid in bed a few more minutes, drifting in and out to the incoherent ranting of Jim Gearhart and the morning traffic report. Note to Jill Myra, NJ Traffic South: you need to get a grip. When I did finally throw the sheets off, one final waking thought surreptitiously entered my consciousness and dropped this turd on my brain: "Ah fuck, it's actually Wednesday!" A rather inauspicious start to the day. It only added to the misery of hearing the consistent knock of the flu or a cold at the front door.

I think my initial thought can be chalked up to a conditioned response mechanism; "What's that you say, body? You've been run a bit ragged and you have to tough it out at work? Well this can only mean one thing: you did karaoke last night!" And being that Thursday night is karaoke night (at THE Harvest Moon), it absolutely MUST have been Friday. Well I did tough it out with the help of a nice hot cup of Yerba Mate sweetened with just a dab of Blue Agave Cactus nectar when I got into the office. As the day wore on, I started to feel better.

So good did I feel, in fact, that I challenged Craig (of HermesCraig-of-NTW-fame fame) to a trainer ride followed by some Wii action. Let me just take this moment to interject how wonderful it is to have a proper trunk/hatch -- and a proper vehicle, at that. So the trainer ride was 45 minutes -- good minutes. I dropped some knowledge on Craig in all of the following: Wii Sports Tennis, Red Steel and Super Monkey Ball - Banana Blitz in the Paper Sumo game. I'm hoping Craig will still be my friend after I destroyed him (a couple times with a grenade in Red Steel). It's not his fault, though, he's left handed.

So that brings me pretty much to right now. And I really have to pee, so I'm going to go take care of that and bring today's post to a close.

1 comment:

ntw said...

I think that post just kicked you blog up a notch.

Well done.