Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Long Days at the Office

I'm posting from work. It's currently 5:55 PM. I got here at 8:05 AM. That's not an unbearably long day. The problem is, I have to prep a sample at 7:30 PM. So I'm stuck. I have other things to do in the meantime. One of those things will most definitely NOT be riding the trainer, which I was looking forward to doing after a pretty intense Yoga session at the Soma Center in Highland Park.

I have no problem with 12 hour work days on occasion. I do have a problem with finding out that you are going to end up leaving at 8:00 PM when it's 4:30 PM and you're 10 minutes from packing up and walking out the door. I also have a problem with 57 minute gradient elution methods on 250 x 4.6mm columns but I don't expect many to empathize.

Setting the alarm for 5:00 AM and doing trainer rides before work is looking more and more appealing. It started off pretty fugly, so at this point it is still maybe only mildly palatable but on my mind nonetheless.

1 comment:

Don said...

oh man, two posts? somebody's earned a link