Monday, July 9, 2007

Stage 2 Pick

So now I'm back on top of my game for picks, let me review the results so far.

David Millar for the Prologue . . . turns out not to have been such a great pick. I guess his lack of drugs makes him go slow.

Tom Boonen for Stage 1 . . . decent pick, he got 3rd. McEwen pulled a rabbit out of his hat to come up with the win and you can't fight magic.

For Stage 2, my pick was also made before the Prologue, so don't accuse me of being a fair weather fan. It may have been better to switch my Stage 1 and Stage 2 picks:

Who: Robbie McEwen
Why: As the finish on Stage 1 demonstrated, the Scarlet Pimpernel always seems to remove his cloak at the last possible moment and steal victory away. The finish in Belgium would seem to benefit Boonen, but remember that McEwen also has a home there, so that may give him that extra bit of motivation.

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