Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Life of a Hardman

Yesterday I was looking forward to getting out of work and getting on the bike. I had to skip riding on Tuesday because of a mini-disaster that happened at work requiring I be there from 7am to 9pm (what am I, a grad student now?).

The weather yesterday can best be described as "Belgian" with drizzly rain, strong wind and temperatures hovering around 5°C. Both Mark and Craig nancy-ed out on me . . . some 'crossers they are! So I went out for a First Bridge ride at 5:30 with the clip-on aerobars to get used to them for the TT this weekend.

How miserable! I wore my Winter shoes with wool socks but didn't wear shoe covers, neoprene toe covers or even little plastic baggies for liners. Big mistake! By the time I got to First Bridge, my feet felt (actually, there wasn't really feeling but you get the point) like bricks of ice.

I did try to warm up for the first twenty to thirty minutes but I think it was useless. I did a 15min effort once I got past the traffic circle in Bound Brook. Since I couldn't really feel my knees, I didn't realize that they were most likely protesting my workout. It was probably not a good idea to do a hard interval like that in the cold weather.

Anyways, after the ride, I made dinner while I showered (a nifty trick!), ate and went back into work in the span of about one hour. I was hoping for some chocolate fondue but it looks like that would have to wait until some other time.

I promise a more coherent and worthy post in the next couple days. I need to start writing down the ideas that come to me at work so I don't end up with crap for content like this post.

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